Samtals hafa 30 þingmenn þegar skrifað undir bréf til yfirvalda í Póllandi og koma þeir úr öllum flokkum á Alþingi. Í tilkynningu frá Pírötum, sem höfðu frumkvæði að bréfaskrifunum, segir að fleiri undirskriftir gætu átt eftir að bætast við.
Ríkisstjórn Póllands hefur lagt fram frumvarp til laga þar sem segir að konur geti aðeins farið í fóstureyðingu ef líf móður sé í húfi. Eins að þyngja eigi refsingar ef fóstureyðingarlögin eru brotin.
Í bréfinu eru þingmenn í Póllandi hvattir til þess að standa vörð um sjálfsákvörðunarrétt kvenna, kvenréttindi og jafnrétti til heibrigðisþjónustu, þar með talið skipulags á fjölskylduhögum.
Ég bréfinu kemur fram að pólska þinginu beri að virða alþjóðlegar skuldbindingar.„Við höfum hug á því að koma á framfæri þeim skoðunum okkar að öruggar fóstureyðingar séu nauðsynlegur þáttur í rétti kvenna til andlegs og líkamlegs sjálfræðis,“ segir meðal annars í bréfinu.
Þeir þingmenn sem undirrituðu bréfið voru:
Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir, (P), Svandís Svavarsdóttir, (V)
Oddný Harðardóttir, (S)
Sigríður Ingibjörg Ingadóttir, (S)
Guðmundur Steingrímsson, (Æ)
Björt Ólafsdóttir, (Æ)
Brynhildur Pétursdóttir, (Æ)
Ögmundur Jónasson, (V)
Jóhanna María Sigmundsdóttir, (B)
Össur Skarphéðinsson, (S)
Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson, (P)
Katrín Jakobsdóttir, (V)
Óttarr Proppé, (Æ)
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, (P)
Katrín Júlíusdóttir, (S)
Ólína Kjerúlf Þórðardóttir, (S)
Árni Páll Árnason, (S)
Elsa Lára Arnardóttir, (B)
Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir, (B)
Karl Garðarsson, (B)
Páll Valur Björnsson, (Æ)
Steinunn Þóra Árnadóttir, (V)
Helgi Hjörvar, (S)
Róbert Marshall, (Æ)
Birgir Ármansson, (B)
Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir, (V)
Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, (V)
Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir, (B)
Kristján L. Möller, (S)
Unnur Brá Konráðsdóttir, (D)
Bréfið, á ensku, má sjá hér að neðan.
The undersigned Members of Parliament of Iceland write this letter to
voice our deep concern over a proposed law criminalizing all use of
abortions in Poland. Access to appropriate prenatal care is essential
for women's rights in the world, whether it be prenatal screening or
abortion. We appeal to the Polish Parliament to withdraw the proposed law from
the legislative process and seek a compromise that better protects
women’s rights to reproductive health.
We wish to remind the Polish Parliament of the shared international
obligation and responsibility that both Iceland and Poland have
undertaken to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. As
signatories to the Convention on this important issue, both our
countries have pledged to ensure that women have equal access to health
care services, including those related to family planning. We seek to
emphasize the value and importance of international agreements such as
the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against
Women for its important role in combating social issues such as gender
inequality, poverty and health issues.
Finally, we would like to impart our view that access to safe abortions
is an essential part of women´s right to physical and mental autonomy.
Furthermore, we want to draw your attention to the ample evidence proving that
restricting women's health care has a negative impact on the welfare of
entire families. In countries where access to women's health services is
restricted, outcomes for infant and maternal health are worse, including
higher maternal and infant mortality rates. In cases where fatal birth
defects are present, patients and doctors must be free to make the
decision that saves the life of the mother.
In light of the above considerations, we strongly encourage you to
withdraw this law from the parliamentary process and seek to find a
legislative compromise that better protects women's rights to
reproductive health than the current proposal.