Opið bréf til Sólveigar Önnu Jónsdóttur og Viðars Þorsteinssonar

Christina Milcher, fyrrverandi starfsmaður Eflingar, skrifar opið bréf til fráfarandi formanns og framkvæmdastjóra félagsins.

Christina Milcher á útifundi.
Christina Milcher á útifundi.

Þrátt fyrir að það sé almennt við­mið hjá Kjarn­anum að birta ein­ungis aðsent efni á íslensku er gerð und­an­tekn­ing í þetta sinn. Ástæða þess er sú að um helm­ingur félags­manna Efl­ingar er aðflutt fólk og brýn nauð­syn að þau hafi fullt tæki­færi til að tjá sig um yfir­stand­andi mál á þann hátt sem þau telja að skili sér best.

Dear Sol­veig and Við­ar.

You like to pres­ent your­self as fight­ing for wor­kers, especi­ally immigr­ant wor­kers rights. For the longest time I saw you as such. I wal­ked side by side with Sóveig on the first 1st of May I ever attended in Iceland, both proud mem­bers of the IWW. Sól­veig and I shared the stage more than once, both fight­ing for the rights of work­ing class women and immigrants in Iceland.

I still saw you as comra­des when I joined Efl­ing, even though you were my bosses and ear­ned three times as much as I did. I was proud to be work­ing there, proud to be part of the renewal of the labour movem­ent and fully supp­ort­ing the B-list campaign and their goals. I was work­ing next to my other job, even­ings and week­ends, out in the cold, visit­ing work­places, sitt­ing in the vot­ing van and stand­ing on pickets. Little did I know that my comra­des would be submitt­ing me to work­place bullying and fire me on a whim just three months lat­er.

I still don’t fully und­er­stand why you decided the immigr­ant wor­kers, who had wor­ked for you tirel­essly in the wind and the cold to org­an­ise the strike as volun­teers or for minimum wage are the enemies now. I heard things about Face­book event descriptions you dis­li­ked and questions in the negoti­ation committee which made you uncom­forta­ble.

You subjected me to a week of work­place bullying at the hands of your HR mana­ger and fri­end Berg­lind Rós. I had wit­nessed her scr­eam­ing at the for­eign wor­ker and board mem­ber who acted as my repres­enta­tive at HR meet­ings, until she was red­uced to tears. I was subjected to the same ver­bal abuse. My cowor­kers had been told I was not to be tru­sted and encoura­ged to “ice me out”. I was assigned only to tasks outside of my field of work and denied the tools I needed to act­u­ally per­form these tasks. I was neither told this was a disciplin­ary act­ion, nor how long it would last.

After a week Sól­veig deigned to talk to me. During our con­versation she sat on the couch sig­hing. Emulat­ing the abusive behaviour of powerful men and bosses she painted her­self as the vict­im, because she, the per­son in power, was being crit­icised for the abuse she was committ­ing. I cannot help but see both of you repeat­ing the same behaviour now.

After the con­versation the abuse cont­inu­ed, this time through both Viðar and Berg­lind Rós. I was called into meet­ings on short not­ice, mak­ing sure I could not arrange for a repres­enta­ti­ve. I was told I was for­bidden to ask anyone from Kjara­mal to repres­ent or even advise me. Pressure was put on me to leave one union (the IWW) and to give up my rights in the other (Efl­ing). Viðar infor­med me that he sees fit to restrict any staff mem­bers rights, guar­an­teed by the law of Efl­ing, accor­ding to his estimation of wort­hiness.

The abuse did not go unnot­iced. Board mem­bers not­iced and reached out to find out what was going on. Accor­ding to the law of Efl­ing I am obliged to truth­fully answer questions about my work­ing conditions when asked by officers of the union. So I did. It was my und­er­stand­ing that they found this instance of bullying trou­bling enough to bring in front of the democratic bodies of the union. In retri­bution for speak­ing with them, I was fired.

The mem­bers of Trún­að­a­ráð and the board, all immigr­ant wor­kers work­ing in minimum wage jobs and volun­teer­ing their time in the union, who had dared to speak up for me faced retri­bution. Previ­ously part of the B-list campaign, they were now called “a mob” by Víðar and had to end­ure reg­ular tira­des from him. Many of them were women, so Víðar started accus­ing them of being “fans” or “foll­owers” of the previ­ous head of the org­an­is­ing division, an immigr­ant wor­ker who had been fired wit­hout not­ice before me. One of the board mem­bers, a Pol­ish woman who had been part of the orig­inal B-list, had to engage a lawyer to def­end her­self aga­inst your threats. All these wor­kers left the democratic bodies and were replaced by a new set of immigr­ant wor­kers. Did you not stand aga­inst a cult­ure that views immigr­ant wor­kers as replacea­ble?

We have seen the patt­ern repeat­ing again and aga­in. The office has been restruct­ured again and aga­in. Old wor­kers are bullied and fired wit­hout not­ice, new wor­kers are brought in and experienced the same. As the wor­kers in the Efl­ing office are also mem­bers of the Efl­ing union, they do not have a union to go to for help. Elected offici­als who dare to speak up for the wor­kers are pressured to resign. ASÍ, though aware of the problem, always decides to not get invol­ved. The power struct­ures are prot­ect­ing each other.

The wor­kers who came forward now are the second gener­ation wor­kers brought in by you. Just look­ing at the website, I count 19 office wor­kers hired AFTER I left, in addition to the 9 I know who came in with you. Most of these wor­kers have years of experience act­ing as repres­enta­ti­ves at their work­place and being act­ive Efl­ing mem­bers. Just like me, they had come to work in the office in the past 3 years committed to the goals of the B-list. All they wanted was to do so in a safe work environ­ment. We now have 3 differ­ent set of wor­kers, all tell­ing the same story.

You paint your­self as the und­er­dogs fight­ing aga­inst people of power, yet once you came into power you started to emulate the same abusive behaviour. You are not the vict­ims here. You are just one more story of bosses abus­ing wor­kers.

But there is hope here. A union is not one figurehead. The B-list was not two people. The board who is committed to create a rad­ical fight­ing union with an act­ive mem­bers­hip is still there. Trún­að­ar­ráð is full of act­ive wor­kers, ready to cont­inue the work of the union. The staff in the office is more than ready to go back to work and realize the orig­inal goals of the B-list. And the mem­bers are as moti­vated as they were when we stood on the pickets together in 2019.

The aut­hor was employed in Efl­ing as a staff mem­ber of Félags­svið Janu­ary - June 2019.

Við þurfum á þínu framlagi að halda

Þú getur tekið beinan þátt í að halda úti öflugum fjölmiðli.

Við sem vinnum á ritstjórn Kjarnans viljum hvetja þig til að vera með okkur í liði og leggja okkar góða fjölmiðli til mánaðarlegt framlag svo við getum haldið áfram að vinna fyrir lesendur, fyrir fólkið í landinu.

Kjarninn varð níu ára í sumar. Þegar hann hóf að taka við frjálsum framlögum þá varð slagorðið „Frjáls fjölmiðill fyrir andvirði kaffibolla“ til og lesendur voru hvattir til að leggja fram í það minnsta upphæð eins kaffibolla á mánuði.

Mikið vatn hefur runnið til sjávar á þeim níu árum sem Kjarninn hefur lifað. Í huga okkar á Kjarnanum hefur þörfin fyrir fjölmiðla sem veita raunverulegt aðhald og taka hlutverk sitt alvarlega aukist til muna.

Við trúum því að Kjarninn skipti máli fyrir samfélagið.

Við trúum því að sjálfstæð og vönduð blaðamennska skipti máli.

Ef þú trúir því sama þá endilega hugsaðu hvort Kjarninn er ekki allavega nokkurra kaffibolla virði á mánuði.

Vertu með okkur í liði. Þitt framlag skiptir máli.

Ritstjórn Kjarnans: Sunna Ósk Logadóttir, Þórður Snær Júlíusson, Erla María Markúsdóttir, Arnar Þór Ingólfsson, Eyrún Magnúsdóttir og Grétar Þór Sigurðsson.

Já takk, ég vil styrkja Kjarnann!
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